Arbre N aires implémenté avec une liste (vecteur)


Arbre N aires d'un objet à l'échelle de classe. - Using bell character.


      type Tag_Name is 
          Universe, Animal, Content,  Planning, Plan, Activity,  Event, Note, 
          Perso_Ac, Def_Class, Acc_Line, Deal, Entep_Ac, Contact, Car, House,

      subtype Abstracted_Index is Positive range 1..Ptr_Max;

      type Abstracted_Class(Tag : Tag_Name);
      type Abstracted_Access is access all Abstracted_Class'Class;
      function Equal(Left, Right : in Abstracted_Access) return Boolean;

      package Abstracted_Vectors is new Vectors(Abstracted_Index, Abstracted_Access, Equal);
      use Abstracted_Vectors;
      subtype Objects_vector is Abstracted_Vectors.Vector;

      type Abstracted_Class(Tag : Tag_Name) is abstract tagged
            Index       : Abstracted_Index := 1;
	    Name        : Name_Type := (others => Wide_Character'Val(32));
	    Vector      : Objects_Vector;
	    Create_Date : Time := Clock;
         end record;

      procedure Write (O : in Abstracted_Class;File : in W_Io.File_Type) is abstract;
      procedure Read (O : in out Abstracted_Class;File : in W_Io.File_Type) is abstract;
      procedure Random (O : in out Abstracted_Class) is abstract;

      type Terminal_record is tagged
            Obj    : Abstracted_Access;
            V_Switch : Objects_Vector;
            Obj_Cur  : Abstracted_Access;
      end record;


Voici les procedure de sauvegarde et de restauration de l'arbre dans lequelles j'utilise quelque procedure externe :
- Global_Read : permet de lire un noeud dans un fichier ; Non fournit
- Global_Print : permet d'afficher l'état d'un noeud ; Le nombre d'enfant trié par Tag_Name ; non fournit
- parent : permet d'aller au noeud parent ;
- Switch : permet d'aller au noeud enfant à l'index indiqué.


      procedure Save_Object (Object : Abstracted_Access;			  
         File : W_Io.File_Type;
         Index  : Natural := 0) is
         O : Abstracted_Access := Object;                  
         New_Index : Natural := Index;
         W_Io.Put_Line(File, To_Wide_String(Integer'Image(Integer(Abstracted_Vectors.Length(O.Vector)))));
         W_Io.Put_Line(File, Wide_Character'Val(7) & "");
         if not Is_Empty(O.Vector) then
            for I in 1..Last_Index(O.Vector) loop
                  E : constant Abstracted_Access :=
                  Abstracted_Vectors.Element(O.Vector, I);
                  Save_Object(E, File, New_Index+1);	       
            end loop;	 	 
            for I in 0..Index loop
               W_Io.Put_Line(File, Wide_Character'Val(7) & "");
            end loop;
          end if;
      end Save_Object;
      procedure Save (Object : in Abstracted_Access;
         Filename : in String) is
         File : W_Io.File_Type;
         W_Io.Create(File, W_Io.Out_File, Filename);
         Save_Object(Object, File);
      end Save;


   procedure Restore_Vector(T : in out Terminal_Record;
   			    File : W_Io.File_Type) is
      Line_Index : positive := 1;	 
      Is_End : Boolean := False;
      Wchar : Wide_Character;

      Prompt : Name_Type;
      Success : Boolean := True;
      O : Abstracted_Access;	 
      End_Of_File : Boolean := False;
      P  : Natural := 0;
      Child_Numb : Natural := 0;
	 Children : Wide_String := W_Io.Get_Line(File);
	 Child_Numb := Natural'Value(To_String(Children));
	 if Child_Numb /= 0 then
	    for I in 1..Child_Numb loop
	       if not W_Io.End_Of_File(File) then
	          -- ici on cherche le caractère bell
		  while not W_Io.End_Of_File(File) loop
			W_Io.Look_ahead(File, Wchar, Is_end);
			if Is_Graphic(To_Character(Wchar)) then
			end if;
			W_Io.Get_Immediate(File, Wchar);
			if Wchar = Wide_Character'Val(7) then
			   P := P + 1;	       	       
			end if;
		  end loop;
		  Global_Read(File, End_Of_File, O);

		  Global_Print(O, Win, Line_index);
		  if P > 0 and P <= Natural(Length(T.V_Switch)) then

		     for I in 1..P-1 loop
			Parent(T, Prompt);
		     end loop;	       		  
		     Success := False;
		  elsif P > 0 then

		     for I in 1..P loop
			Parent(T, Prompt);
		     end loop;
		  end if;
		  Line_Index := 1;
		  if not Success then	       		  
		     if O.Index /= 1 then

			T.Obj_Cur.Vector := T.Obj_Cur.Vector & O;

		     elsif not Is_Empty (T.Obj_Cur.Vector) and O.Index = 1 then	       
			Switch(T, Last_Index(T.Obj_Cur.Vector), Prompt, Success);

			T.Obj_Cur.Vector := T.Obj_Cur.Vector & O;
		     end if;
		  elsif not Is_Empty (T.Obj_Cur.Vector) and O.Index = 1 then	       
		     Switch(T, Last_Index(T.Obj_Cur.Vector), Prompt, Success);
		     if Success then

			T.Obj_Cur.Vector := T.Obj_Cur.Vector & O;		 		  
			raise Program_Error;
		     end if;	       	    	    

		     T.Obj_Cur.Vector := T.Obj_Cur.Vector & O;
		  end if;

		  if not W_Io.End_Of_File(File) then
		     Restore_Vector(T, File);
		  end if;	    
	       end if;	 
	    end loop;
	 end if;
	 -- le code ci-dessous est peut-être inutile.
	 if not W_Io.End_Of_File(File) then
	    Restore_Vector(T, File);
	 end if;	    
	 when others =>
	       Put("Error when restore object");
   end Restore_Vector;

   procedure Restore_Object (T : in out Terminal_Record;
   			     File : W_Io.File_Type) is
      End_Of_File : Boolean := False;
      Vector : Objects_Vector;

      if not W_Io.End_Of_File(File) then
   	 Global_Read(File, End_Of_File, T.Obj);
      end if;
      T.Obj_Cur := T.Obj;
      if not W_Io.End_Of_File(File) then
	 Restore_Vector(T, File);
      end if;            
   end Restore_Object;
   procedure Restore(T : in out Terminal_Record;
   		     Filename : in String) is
      File : W_Io.File_Type;
      W_Io.Open(File, W_Io.in_File, Filename);
      if not W_Io.End_Of_File(File) then
   	 Restore_Object(T, File);
      end if;
   end Restore;


   procedure Parent(T : in out Terminal_Record;
   		    Prompt : out Name_Type) is
      V : Objects_Vector := T.V_Switch;
      if not Is_Empty(V) then
   	 if Last_Index(V) >= 1 then
   	    T.Obj_Cur := Last_Element(V);
   	    if T.Obj_Cur /= null then
   	       Prompt := T.Obj_Cur.Name;
   	       if Last_Index(V) > 1 then
   		  Delete(V, Last_Index(V));
   	       end if;
   	    end if;
   	 end if;
      end if;
      T.V_Switch := V;
   end Parent;

   procedure Switch(T : in out Terminal_Record;
   		    Num : in Abstracted_Index;
   		    Prompt : out Name_Type;
   		    Success : out boolean) is
      Vector : Objects_Vector;	 
      Success := False;
      Prompt := (others => Wide_Character'Val(32));
      if T.Obj_Cur /= null then
   	 Vector := T.Obj_Cur.Vector;
   	 if not Is_Empty(Vector) then
   	    if Num <= Last_Index(Vector) then
   	       T.V_Switch := T.V_Switch & T.Obj_Cur;
   	       T.Obj_Cur := Abstracted_Vectors.Element(Vector, Num);
   	       if T.Obj_Cur /= null then
   		  Prompt := T.Obj_Cur.Name;		     
   		  Success := True;
   		  raise Program_Error;		     
   	       end if;
   	    end if;
   	 end if;
      end if;	 
   end Switch;